Olajumoke Olufunmilola Adenowo, born in 1968, October 16, is an award winning architect, entrepreneur and philanthropist. Also a speaker, radio host and best selling author.
Popularly known as the face of Architecture in Nigeria, she is the founder of the boutique architecture and interior design firm; AD Consulting, based in Lagos, Nigeria.
She also owns an oil and gas furnace, and a property management firm; Advantage Energy. As at 2017, her net worth was said to be about $1.9 billion.
Born to two professors; her dad being a professor in History and mum in Criminology, she has always been exceptional and exhibited advanced skills.
She attended Federal Government Girls College, Oyo state from 1978 to 1983, emerging the overall best student.
At age 14, she gained admission into University of Ife to study Architecture. She obtained a distinction in her MSc Architecture degree (an all A average) making history in the University.
Having graduated at an early age, she picked up work at Femi Majekodunmi Associates architectural firm. This opened up huge opportunities for her. It wasn’t long before she was asked to create the Federal Ministry of lands in Abuja at age 23.
She said she wasn’t ready for that task, but prepared her way through. She would go to the office and stay as late as 11pm, even on Sundays. That was how she was given a chance.
Adenowo decided to start her own company, AD Consulting at 25. This was a big risk at that time. But after two decades, it has made its way to being one of Nigeria’s most successful company.
Noted for her ability to speak on Architecture with a passion and clarity that is infectious to wide audiences, Jumoke believes that architecture is beyond building.
Her passion for Architecture was honed Ariel Sharon, Israel’s top architect. Part of her success can be attributed to the fact that she has a holistic attention to detail, only a few Architects exhibit.
To be successful in anything, you need an extraordinary strategy. For architecture, I had to understand history, sociology, physics, culture and chemistry.
I am passionate about engendering a bright future for Nigeria empowering youths to lead of process of change that the nation clearly needs.
We need to find out quickly, Why am I here on earth? I looked hard and realized my life would be worthwhile at the end of the day when I make investments in someone else.
My goal is to affect the greatest number of people maximally.
It was a big risk to start my company at age 25, especially since I had nothing to begin with. But here’s what I’ll tell you:
Push yourself beyond your limits. Volunteering for jobs might seem like a fool’s business but you’re gaining experience and building your portfolio.
Take time to discover purpose very early and define your destination. Give your very best to your work. Own every task assigned to you and act as if it would be your last.
The only time you live is when you are willing to die for something you believe in.
I was never made conscious of the fact that I am a woman. I didn’t realize that there were certain things considered gender sensitive (thank God, my parents forgot to warn me).
My father never told me that there were any boundaries or limits because I am a female. So primarily, nuclear family affects you. Especially for a woman, it’s very important who fathers you.
My father always ensured I was allowed to speak and contribute. I was never bullied or shouted down.
This is why I find time to mentor women. In 1999, I started Awesome Treasure Foundation to inspire and mentor women.
Leadership is the greatest need in Africa, and her foundation is helping women take ownership of their businesses.
I will begin with my personal story. I left the University, starting my business. Then, I met my husband through friends. He was my first real boyfriend. Others asked me but I wasn’t in love with them.
When he proposed, I didn’t say a “yes” immediately. I had to ensure we both counted the cost, so I gave him few days to “stew”. It was very important for me because I knew I couldn’t deal with unfaithfulness and its likes.
Make sure you marry someone who understands the demands and pressures of your profession, and the sacrifice and patience it involves before rewards come. I am married to my best friend, and we have two delightful sons.
A man is a hunter. Even in marriage, don’t be predictable. Don’t be boring. You have a purpose in life that is beyond your husband. Once a man becomes the centre of your gravity, you are finished.
Define your relationships. Don’t overwhelm a man and vice versa. Have a purpose in life that is beyond your significant half.
For the singles, the fact that you are not dating at the moment doesn’t make you unaware of the fact that marriage is important. It just means you do not want to do trial and error. Be yourself while you’re waiting to be married.
Quit asking what the nation can do for you. Think about what you can give to her. No one was born accident, so do not live under a mirage.
In Awesome, we teach patriotism, diligence and entrepreneurship. We teach the youth to love their country and believe in themselves.
It is mediocre people who learn from experience. Bright people learn from people’s experiences. Get a mentor. Your mentor doesn’t have to know or meet you physically. Read books of people that you value their lives and achievements.
Believe in yourself so much that you make decisions for tomorrow. Those decisions taken today, will make you tomorrow.
My only leverage in life is God. It’s only your Creator that reveals to you what you’re meant for.
So remain in cordial and mutual relationship with Him.
I am not resting in my quest until I’ve succeeded in creating magnificent landmarks around the country.
I wouldn’t stop, neither should you!
You can make contacts with Jumoke Adenowo via
Twitter: @JumokeAdenowo
Email address: adconsultinglimited.com awesometreasuresfoundation.org
Instagram: jumokeadenowo
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