Welcome😃😃!! This book has totally began a new beautiful experience in God, and I’m happy I get to share a part with you all. You can check out the previous review of the first Chapter here.

Jonathan Welton believes that major hindrance to the moves of God is a mindset and lack of transformation thing. This led him to highlight five (5) Revival Myths with the aim of debunking them. Enjoy!

The first wrong perception is that fact that a particular church or demonstration is the epicenter of the next awakening.
Many people are waiting for prophecies to come to pass before they live as Normal Christians. Many define revival as a strong sense of God’s Presence and the Church impacting the world for Him. But that shouldn’t be something that we should be waiting for; it is just Normal Christianity.
James 4:8a KJV
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you…
In the New Testament, the members abided constantly with Jesus like he told them to. Not waiting for dozens of prophecies over a region or a sovereign move of God.

Although God is sovereign, that is not His number one attribute.
Genesis 1:26 KJV
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Here, we see God being relational and discussing the decision of creation within the Trinity. The Godhead is much more relational than we have understood.
The heroes of the faith have interacted with God on the basis of relationship before sovereignty. Abraham was audacious enough to bargain with God over the number of righteous men. Moses debated with God when He was going to destroy the Israelites.

Normal Christians are aware that God is extremely relational.

If God is not moving, I will move Him”
-Smith Wigglesworth

A statement like that may sound presumptous or arrogant to those who have overemphasized the sovereignty of God. But seen correctly, Smith Wigglesworth was referring to the fact that the depth of His relationship with God would cause Him to respond and act, because he has moved His heart.
Charles G. Finney debunked the ideology that revival was a sovereign move of God. God did not come closer to the Church at a random choice, but He came closer when the Church turned back towards Him.
Many have focused not upon God, but upon their lack of His Presence.
If we focus on God Himself, His Presence will increase in our lives. What we focus on, magnifies.

Normal Christians understand that Jesus set an example for us to follow.
Jesus became like us and limited Himself to human restrictions. By doing that, Jesus made His lifestyle completely accessible to us. He also expected us to exceed His record.

Many times, the average Christians say that they cannot live the same way Jesus did. Often, their reasoning sounds like; “Well, of course Jesus did that, He is Jesus”.
The belief that Jesus only did miracle because He was God leads to a lot of disempowered thinking. It separates the believer from God’s expectation that we live like Jesus and removes our responsibility of being Normal Christians.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that revival comes and goes – it is not constant. God’s Word says we are to move from glory to glory; which means always moving steadily forward.
2 Corinthians 3:18 KJV
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as the Spirit of the Lord.
But blended into the teaching of revival, the Church seems to advance to mountain tops and decline into valley lows.
Truth is, all of us go through the valley seasons of weeping, the only difference is how each of us go through them. Those who have their pilgrimage are the ones who, as they go through the valley of weeping, transform their valley into a place of springs and pools.
God sent you through the valley so that you would take over the valley, not so that you would submit to the valley experience and love is depression for 10 years.
There is no excuse for not progressing forward. There is no neutral and no retreat in Normal Christianity.

There are usually 3 groups when there is an outpouring of revival. Those who join in, those who oppose, and those who stand analyzing and asking questions.
They ask, Is that really a revival? This question is totally void of reason because what we observe as revival is actually seeing an outbreak of Normal Christianity.
How do we sustain this move of God? If we consider this question carefully, we will realize that it is our goal to sustain ourselves as Normal Christians. Sustenance cannot be addressed apart from personal responsibility.

We must each maintain our own personal circle of spirituality in life. It is not the (primary) job of the churches to spiritually feed the believer; it is a personal responsibility to feed oneself.
-Charles G. Finney

With a shift as regards these myths, the Believer will.be capable of a much healthier walk with God.
-Jonathan Welton